Expert Recommendations

Azim is the author of several highly-acclaimed books including The Corporate Sufi and Business, Balance & Beyond. He has twice been a # 1 Amazon bestselling author; and in 2005 topped Harry Potter. He has also been a # 1 bestseller with Barnes & Noble, the largest bookstore chain in the world, and his co-authored book – The Power of Giving – won the Nautilus Gold Award in May 2009 for books that change lives. Previous winners have included the Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle, and Azim’s books have been translated into ten languages.
Here are personal testimonnials for the collection of books Azim has authored and/or co-authored.
What You Seek is Seeking You

Jack Canfield, # 1 best-selling author
The Success Principles and co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series
“What You Seek Is Seeking You is a transformational experience that will change your life forever. We have entered a time in our evolution where we are being called to live up to a higher set of values—authenticity, gratitude, courage, compassion, mindfulness, and generosity. This beautiful book is a powerful expression of that call, with a liberating and empowering message delivered in an easily digestible format”

Bob Burg, National Bestselling Co-Author
The Go-Giver
”Leave it to Brian Tracy and Azim Jamal, two master practitioners and teachers, to provide us with such profound wisdom in the form of a combination parable and how-to learning guide. Not only will this book reach into your heart and soul and touch it deeply; it will also provide you with the instructions on how to dramatically increase your joy, peace of mind, confidence and earning potential. Magnificent!”

Dr. Nido R. Qubein, President
High Point University, North Carolina, USA
“You’ll love the creative way Jamal and Tracy teach in this book the principles and fundamentals for a life filled with success and framed with significance. Both have coached millions -–and now it’s your turn to tap into their wisdom

Robin Sharma, #1 Bestselling Author
The Leader Who Had No Title and founder of The Titan Academy
“A fascinating book filled with valuable lessons and powerful insights that will fuel your success."

Harvey McKinnon, # 1 Bestselling Author
Hidden Gold and The Power of Giving
“I've long admired both Brian Tracy and Azim Jamal. It’s wonderful that they have combined their deep experience and wisdom to help you discover what you most desire and deserve in life."

Nick Nanton, Esq.
3 time Emmy award-winning director and Wall Street Journal bestselling author
“Practical, Inspiring, Insightful, Enriching! A must read for leaders at all levels!"

Brian Walsh, Founder
REAL Success and The REAL Entrepreneur Institute
“A truly beautiful book by two masters in their fields. Azim and Brian are both really authentic teachers with a beautiful and powerful message. Anyone in business or just trying to get ahead in life should read this."
Business, Balance & Beyond

Brian Tracy, CEO, Brian Tracy International
International Best Selling Author, Speaker & Coach
“This book shows you how to define your true purpose, increase your effectiveness and live a richer life – in every area.”

Salim Khoja, CEO of Power Within
Best-selling author of Passion for Life
”Congruent, practical and inspiring! Make it a gift for all.”

Dr. Nido R. Qubein, President
High Point University, North Carolina, USA
“To become truly successful, one must discover the ideal balance between personal and professional happiness. Azim taps into the core fundamentals that will help you to travel the journey from success to significance in this insightful and thought-provoking book."

Robin Sharma, #1 Bestselling Author
The Leader Who Had No Title and founder of The Titan Academy
“An authentic piece of work. Everyone will benefit from reading this book."

Harvey McKinnon, # 1 Bestselling Author
Hidden Gold and The Power of Giving
“Azim Jamal is one of the best people I’ve ever met. This is a heartfelt book about how you can live a bigger life."
Life Balance The Sufi Way

Ken Blanchard, Management Expert
Co-author The One-Minute Manager and The Secret
“We can choose to balance our lives; and the practical information in this book will help enormously.”

Jim Cathcart, Founder Cathcart Institute Inc.
Author of The Acorn Principle and Relationship Selling
”If you want pure water be careful to determine its source. If you want pure wisdom do the same. I have known Nido Qubein and Azim Jamal for many years and their lives are examples of wise living. They are generous, successful, compassionate, and learned. They have attained the success- dreams we all admire and yet have sustained the rewarding and peaceful life others sacrifice. Take their guidance to heart. Both you and your heart will be happier.”

Roger and Rebecca Merrill, Co-authors
Life Matters and (with Stephen R. Covey) First Things First
“Kudos to Nido and Azim. In a world where people often feel out of balance, Nido and Azim bring a refreshing and powerful shot of ‘CAN DO!’ from their own remarkable experience and from the timeless wisdom of both the East and the West. This book is both insightful and practical—a great read for anyone who wants to live a balanced life of contribution and meaning."

Scott McKain, Vice Chairman of Obsidian Enterprises
Author of What Customers REALLY Want
“This is not a “need to read” book—this, for all professionals around the world, is a MUST read book!"

W. Mitchell, Author
It’s Not What Happens to You, It’s What You Do About It
“Balance and the power of choice—two of the keys for the life we all want. Nido and Azim are here to coach you. All you have to do is begin this book—NOW."
Power of Giving

Dr. Wayne Dyer, American Philosopher
Best-selling author of The Power of Intention
“Extremely impressive...very inspiring”

Seth Godin, American Author & Entrepreneur
Author of Unleashing the Ideavirus and Purple Cow
”We’ve needed a book like this for a long time. Now it’s your turn to help. Buy it, share it, download it, buy a copy for a friend. This book could change everything.”

Jack Canfield, Bestselling Author
The Success Principles (TM) and co-author of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series
“The Power of Giving is a must-read. Profit from reading it. Give it to everyone you love"

John David Mann, Award-Winning Author
Co-author of The Go-Giver
“What a wonderful book! Most books I want to gobble up in one or a couple of sittings. But this one is so rich, each page so loaded with treasure, I want to dip into it and drink a sip at a time, over and over. A book to cherish."

Stephen Post, Author of Why Good Things Happen to Good People
Professor, University of Chicago
“Those who refresh others are themselves refreshed, and with this news we can all join a chorus and sing praises for this inspiring book!"
The Corporate Sufi

Robin Sharma, Author
# 1 international best seller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
“The Corporate Sufi is an enlightening, down-to-earth and valuable work. Azim reflects the beauty and power of Sufi principles in a corporate setting.”

Peter Urs Bender, Motivational Speaker
Author of national best seller Leadership from Within
”The principles of leadership remain constant, no matter what our culture. In The Corporate Sufi I love the clear concept of The Sufi as the constant Seeker, always part of his culture, but never bound by rigid structures or rules that can stifle initiative. Like any true leader he looks first within himself for those qualities before trying to lead others.”

Francis O’Kello Chairman, Barclay's Bank
Chairman, Serena Hotels, Kenya
“Truly amazing. I am most impressed by the simple and practical manner in which you have expressed some of the most profound philosophical issues. I am now moving into the reflective phase before I read this great and life changing book for the second time. Terrific stuff. Once again thank you for opening my eyes to more possibilities."
Seven Steps to Lasting Happiness

Deepak Chopra, M.D. Chopra Center
#1 Bestselling Author and Public Speaker
“Azim’s Seven Steps to Lasting Happiness is a practical and inspiring book. Everyone will benefit from reading it.”

Jo Ann Janson, Author
Define Yourself and Discover Your Destiny
”Seven Steps is a refreshingly clear, compassionate, and user-friendly handbook by a consummate team player who walks his talk. Every page provides a tool, a jewel, and a blessing for the reader.”

John Kehoe, Author
International best seller Mind Power
“Seven Steps is a beautifully written book that is bound to make a difference and touch many lives."